Austin Cary Forest Campus
The UF/IFAS School of Forest Resources & Conservation is fundraising to expand the Austin Cary Forest (ACF) campus.When finished, the ACF campus will include a sawmill, discovery center, manager residence housing, professor-in-residence and student housing, nature center/office, and amphitheatre, in addition the existing turpentine still, cooper’s shed and haul stall. These additions will enhance the ACF’s ability to educate students and the public about the rich history of the forestry industry in Florida.
Sawmill - $150K
A demonstration sawmill with covered event space.
Discovery Center - $2M
This will be a space to display historical artifacts and have hands-on activities for kids.
Renovated Campus Office/Nature Center - $250K
The current office would be renovated to include a full porch but retain the historical appearance of the building. It will serve as the welcome center to the ACF campus.
Amphitheatre - $100K
A stage and seating area where events could be hosted.
Manager Residence - $250K
A place for the forest manger to reside.
Professor-in-Residence & Student Housing - $500K
A dogtrot style cabin housing serving as a residence hall for a professor-in-residence and graduate students.
For more information about how to support this project, please contact Katherine Davies, Director of Development, at kedavies@ufl.edu or (352) 294-7869.