Developing Leaders

Finding solutions doesn’t just depend on what we’re doing today. Cultivating tomorrow’s leaders ensures that the UF/IFAS mission of improving people’s lives continues. Though Florida 4-H, and the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS challenges young people to go out and change the world for the better. Programs like the Wedgworth Leadership Institute and Natural Resources Leadership Institute offer opportunities for young and mid-career professionals to develop their own portfolio of leadership skills to be the effective industry leaders needs to manage complex issues.

Give now:
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Florida 4-H Youth Development Program
Natural Resources Leadership Institute
Wedgworth Leadership Institute


Food Safety

Food safety intersects our lives is so many ways. From proper food handling and preparation to knowing where your food comes from is critical to our daily health. Today, food travels the globe to get to our lunch box, dinner table or on-the run snack. At UF/IFAS we have programs, classes and research that educate professionals and individuals on how to protect from foodborne illness. In addition to have safe food, we need enough food to feed a growing population. Despite modern agriculture and advances in productivity, there is hunger in virtually every community around the world. At UF/IFAS , we are working to ensure that everyone has enough to eat whether it is around the corner or around the world.

Give now:
Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition
Department of Microbiology & Cell Science
UF/IFAS Extension


Natural Resources

Florida is home to the worlds’ most beautiful and diverse natural environments, from the everglades to our dense forests, our coastal resources to the precious springs, Florida’s natural resources provide economic resources, recreation opportunities and a simple beauty that enhances the Florida lifestyle. UF/IFAS faculty lead research, teach classes and prepare leaders on how to best manage, appreciate and conserve our valuable natural resources.

Give now:
Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Nature Coast Biological Station
School of Forest Resources & Conservation
School of Natural Resources & Environment


Eliminating Invasive Species

Florida has more invasive species than any other state in the country, with 28 ports of entry. Invasive species not only destroy ecosystems, but cost the state approximately $100 million a year (not including Asian Citrus Psyllid) in destroyed environments and via the costs of efforts to manage and control them. Invasive species affect homeowners, landowners, agriculture, aquaculture, tourism and recreation, and natural resources.

Give now:
Center for Aquatic & Invasive Plants
Citrus Research & Education Center
Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory
Florida Sea Grant


Healthy Living Lifestyles

Consumers are a critical part of food systems. When those consumers are living their best, healthiest lives, those systems flourish. UF/IFAS teachers, researchers and Extension faculty promote healthy lifestyles through academic and outreach programs in wellness, nutrition, relationships and money management. Faculty in Food Science and Human Nutrition make up one of the world’s largest combined academic program where food science, nutritional sciences, and dietetics are all studied within one department. With these tools, all Floridians can do more to support their families, communities and local economies.

Give now:
Department of Family, Youth & Community Sciences
Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Program
Family Nutrition Program
UF/IFAS Extension